Coming Soon - Spacious

What could you do with your life if the day-to day grind didn't wear you down? Would you make more art? Better food? Stronger connections in your community?

Spacious is a six-week program (launching in Fall of 2024) to help you start to push back on the demands of productivity culture to find space for what really matters. To you.

Drawing from the insights of minimalism, mindfulness, and lifestyle design, we walk through the physical, mental, and social spaces in our lives to find out what feels cramped. Where there is too much, too many... too many demands, too many expectations, too many commitments... we will prune and weed so that there is space for new things to come in and take up their place in your life.

You have probably already tried several approaches time management systems, and you are starting to suspect that the problem isn't you: the problem is that time management treats you like a machine, and too many people and systems have expectations.

I want you to know this: You are not failing. You have been handed an impossible task. Let's figure out how to hand it back.

Note on what this product is:

This product is a free taster menu of the ideas and practices that I bring to the program. By signing up you are agreeing to receive additional information as the launch proceeds. You are under no obligation to purchase anything, and I'm a very low-pressure sorta gal. But I'd love to work with you, so let's stay in touch.

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