About Me

Like many other people, I spent my early career severely off-balance personally and professionally. In my late twenties and early thirties, with a job, ongoing education, and a young family, I had so many needs and wants consuming my everyday, I was overwhelmed, exhausted and conflicted about where my energy would be best spent. 

To add to this stress, I had a deep drive to make the world a better place, and I wanted to do it by doing everything. Perfectly.

I found myself spread thin, trying to take on the world’s suffering, while still trying to find time for my friends, some modicum of downtime and my life.

It was a recipe for burnout, at the soul level.

One day, I drew a picture with "Trying to Be Normal" on one side and "Trying to be Whole" on the other. In between was a "Chasm of Despair."

This drawing can sum up the last decade of my life, trying to figure out how to build bridges across this chasm... so that maybe other people don't have to struggle with it as long as I did.

I keep hoping that if enough of us call back across the chasm at the same time, we will make the transition easier.

And if not, at least I can keep throwing down ropes and handing people ladders.

How Do You Learn to Build Bridges?

There were many stages on this path, and I've spent years testing the process... allowing myself to dip back into fear and anxiety, checking on whether I actually know what I'm talking about, and above all, making sure that if I'm going to give somebody advice, I have tested it thoroughly in my own life first.

If I were going to give you the short form it would involve taking ownership of my time - instead of letting it be spent by the demands of my society and the people around me.

But it's so much more than time management.

It's about learning self-love and self-trust.

It's about developing tools of emotional self-regulation.

It's about getting ridiculously good (and efficient) at the necessary maintenance tasks of life and letting the rest go.

I found balance between my life goals and my life.

I realized that I DO NOT HAVE TO DO IT ALL.

I figured out how to rest, not quit. 

And I allowed myself to lean into deep support from a network of friends, colleagues, and co-conspirators.

My Deep Why

I want to live in a nurtured world inhabited by flourishing human beings.

If that means I have to help build it, so be it.

This is the change I want to see in the world: that people are deeply held and know that their beauty is grounded in a kinder, gentler world where it’s easy to make good (ethical, humane) choices, because we’ve brought them into form.

But that’s only going to develop if LOTS of us are equipped with inner power and willingness, along with the concrete skills necessary to bring about that change.

We can do it in communities of deep support, not one by one.

I want a world of deep connection and support, and I want to help make it available for as many people as possible. That’s why I began this business, and that’s what I want to contribute to you.

If you want to work together to help make this world a better place for all of us to thrive, please grab one of the spots on my calendar and let me know what I can do to help you!

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